CNC Plastic Machining: What Is It and How Does It Work?


CNC machining is a process that uses computer-aided design software to create a three-dimensional model of the object that needs to be machined. The CAD software converts the 3D model into instructions for the CNC machine. These instructions tell the machine where to position and how much force to cut the desired shape.

The main advantage of CNC machining is that it can create products with intricate details that cannot be made through other methods. This makes it a popular choice for products that require a high level of precision. Additionally, CNC machining is a cost-effective option, allowing businesses to produce large quantities without sacrificing quality.

In this blog post, we will take a closer look at CNC plastic machining and how it works. We will also discuss some of its benefits.

What Is CNC Plastic Machining?

Computer numerical control (CNC) plastic machining is a process of cutting plastic material using computer-controlled machines.

Advantages of CNC Plastic Machining

CNC machining is a powerful method that has many advantages. Let’s examine some of these advantages.


Unlike traditional machining methods, CNC machining can be performed with high precision and accuracy. This makes it an ideal choice for applications where tight tolerances are required. For example, a part machined using CNC has less variation in size and shape than a handmade one. This results in a part consistent in its dimensions and less likely to have any rough edges or blemishes.


CNC machining can produce parts much faster than traditional methods, often reducing lead times by 50% or more. This is why CNC machining has become an attractive option for many companies, especially those that need to quickly produce large quantities of parts. Some examples of parts that can be created using CNC machining include engine blocks, gearboxes, brackets, frames and fixtures.


The flexibility of CNC machining is evident in the variety of shapes and features produced with the method. Complex shapes and delicate features that would be difficult or impossible to create with other methods can easily be manufactured with CNC machining. As a result, CNC plastic machining has become the preferred choice for various applications in aerospace, medical device and electronics manufacturing industries.

For example, CNC machining can produce intricate details on the outside of a watch case, whereas traditional manufacturing methods would not be able to do that. Additionally, CNC machining can produce parts with varying thicknesses and curves, which is not possible with other methods. This allows for greater design flexibility and enables parts to be customised to fit specific needs.

Cost Savings

CNC machining is often less expensive than traditional methods. A CNC machine can be programmed to cut specific shapes and sizes, whereas conventional methods require manual labour. For example, a medical implant may use CNC machining to create intricate shapes for its products. This would be more difficult and expensive to do using traditional methods. 

What Are Some Applications For CNC Machining?

CNC machining can be used for a variety of applications, including:

Manufacturing Parts for Machines or Other Products

CNC machining is used to manufacture parts for machines and other products. The machining process uses a computer-controlled device to create the desired shape or profile on a piece of plastic. This process often creates precision parts for machines and other products. 

Creating Prototypes for New Products

Prototyping with CNC machining allows for prototypes to be made quickly and efficiently. CNC plastic machining is ideal because it is accurate and efficient. It can create parts with complex geometries that would be difficult or impossible to produce using traditional methods.

Modifying or Repairing Existing Parts or Products

If a part is broken, you can use CNC machining to remove the broken piece and replace it with a new one. This can be useful for parts that are no longer manufactured. By modifying an existing part, you can keep it rather than replace it with a new one.

Building Moulds For Manufacturing Products

CNC machining is used to create moulds for products. Injection moulding is implemented to develop the products, but the moulds must be precise to create the desired results. 

Carving Decorative Pieces or Logos

You can use CNC machining to carve decorative pieces or logos by creating a CAD file of the desired design and then sending it to the CNC machine. The CNC machine will then carve the design out of plastic. This can be used to create unique and custom pieces for your home or office.

Creating Unique or One-of-a-Kind Items

CNC machining is commonly used to create unique or one-of-a-kind items as it allows for high precision and accuracy, which is necessary for creating intricate designs. Additionally, CNC machining can create objects in various materials, including plastics, metals and composites. This makes it a versatile manufacturing process that can be used for multiple applications.

McNeall Plastics: Helping  Businesses Through Plastic Engineering and Manufacturing

If you are looking for a custom plastic manufacturer with a CNC machine in Australia that can handle your unique requirements, look no further than McNeall Plastics. With over 50 years of experience in the industry, we are confident we can provide you with a product you will love.

Cathy Ellis